Sunday 22 December 2013

Find the Perfect File Manager App for your Android

The Best File Manager App for Android

An ideal file manager app should support basic file operations (copy/move/delete/rename), it should provide access to the phone’s internal storage and the SD card, it should let you search and sort files, it should have thumbnail support for media files, the app should look good on both phones and tablet and the developer should be actively updating the app.

Protect your Android Phone with these Security Apps

Your mobile phone is probably your most important digital possession that holds your contacts, emails, text messages, personal photos and other confidential stuff that you would not like anyone else to see. Yet, it is so easy to lose one as you are carrying it everywhere you go.

How to View your Old Notifications in Android Phone

There were a couple of pending notifications sitting in the status bar of your Android phone and you have just tapped the “Dismiss” icon to clear them all. And then it occurred that you may have dismissed certain important notifications. Where did they go? Can you retrieve the old notifications even if they have have removed from the notifications bar?
Well if your phone is running a more recent version of Android, Jelly Bean or later you can get a log of notifications that have pushed by various apps. Here’s how.